Here's one legal document from WTBTS about their investment activity from the New York government Website:
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Freedom of information
by NeedToKnow ini’m in australia so i wanted to know if it’s possible to obtain information on the companies that the wbts invests in currently in the us?
is there a legitimate site where this information can be found as i prefer to look it up myself than just go by what other people say.
that would be no different than running my life according the the wt and i’m done with that..
The Boyfriend Pillow! - The Governing Body's worst nightmare!!??
by stuckinarut2 in
with all the focus on the new anti-masturbation vide telling all bethelites not to sleep inappropriately with a pillow, surely this has to be the very item that will send the gb into fits of despair?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@jwleaks That pillowcase looks a little snugly fit. Must've been designed by those flamin' 'omosexuals.
"No. It's not appropriate, brothers."
I tell you what, though - that pillowcase design is perfect for bed wetters. Super absorbent with a thirsty cotton design. Tony will lap that piss right up.
"To whom do you belong?"
by stuckinarut2 inprompted by one of our fellow posters- jrjw who started a thread asking how to remove "kingdom melodies" from our head, this song title came to mind!
(sorry for the earworm everyone😉).
it got me thinking.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Taaaaaake siiiides with Je-hooooovah
Maaaake him your de-liiiiiiiiight
Heeeeeee'll ne-ver forsaaaaake yoouu
Waaaaaaaalk on in his liiiiiiight
Telllll, tell the great tiiiiiii-dings
of freedom and peeaaaccccce...................
Sorry, @stuckinarut2. Just thought I'd return the favor.
Lack of young people in the congregation?
by IAmJustMe inbeen baptized for two years but being in the truth for longer.
one thing i have always noticed is the lack of young people in the congregation.
does anyone feel the same ?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Hey @IAmJustMe. It is true that the organization seems to be holding onto mainly the older generation. This is largely in part to Generations X, Y and beyond having a sharper aptitude for analytical thinking and a wealth of information at their disposal on the World Wide Web. Many of us on here have fearlessly undergone an examination of our faith and have come to the heartbreaking conclusion that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is not who it claims to be :(. For these conscientious reasons, we have taken a step back from meetings. This may be a contributing factor to the missing demographic of younger ones you are noticing. We're right here :).
australian of the year.
by zeb in
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Awww, everyone's a winner....
Except you, Geoffrey Jackson. You're f*cked.
Better luck next year, you butterfaced sphincter.
The Preaching Method Has Flip-Flopped Again
by pale.emperor inim currently reading a book called jehovah's witnesses: portrait of a contemporary religious movement ( researcher is a social scientist, was never a jw, who studied with the witnesses solely to write this book.
his research has been quite thorough and objective which is commendable.he mentioned in the book how rutherford didn't want his colporters (pioneers) giving their own sermons or bible interpretation, but instead he had them going door to door with his records.
(i have some converted to mp3, they're very boring).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JW proselytizing then and now...
Same, same but...
oh, hold on.
The "Imperfect Men" Argument
by steve2 inone of the most common "defences" of jw organization is that "the brothers" are imperfect yet still strive to follow god's word.
"sure, they make mistakes," so the argument goes, "but so did god's people in the past, including in bible times.
" the key point is their readiness to keep studying god's word and learning from their mistakes.".
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I'll never forget what @doubtful1799 once said to me when I complained about the "but they're just imperfect men" argument. He said something to the effect of:
"That's the thing. NO ONE is asking them to be perfect. We're just asking them to be accountable."
Let's play the "what if" game - a little thought experiment.
by doubtfull1799 in“if adam and eve hadn’t sinned they would have lived forever and we would all now be still living in paradise” is how watchtower theology goes, right.
(well not us personally, as history would have turned out completely differently and there would be different people on the planet, not us.
when you think about it you owe your very existence to the fact that they didn’t obey.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
What if Adam and Eve hadn't sinned but we all got to exist, still. Stephen Lett will thank Jehovah for removing that extra chromosome and granting him some of that "mental int-a-lact" he talks about:
"Go and tell someone who cares...I dont care!"
by stuckinarut2 ini don't usually like the confrontational approach to those on the carts, however this video is a great example of how jws do not really care about child abuse issues!.
the arrogance of this brother is disturbing..... bear with the video.
it gets really interesting around the 6 min mark, where the brother loses his cool..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
EW! That old guy is a SKIDMARK of a person. "You're a bit messed up, aren't ya? But where are you gunna go? Haha... You're a bit screwed up, hey?"
I would NOT be surprised if HE is the type of person who WT is protecting in their hidden databases. He looks like a creep, acts like a vile sack of sh*t and jeers like a dirty, old man. I'd be humiliated if I were his partner in the cart work.
What a piece of sh*t. Seriously. I need to go run another shower now that I've listened to his low-brow slurs. Ugh.
The story of 2 study's
by karter inin my old congro 2 people started study's at about the same time.. lets call them john and jane.. john started a study with an elder who was related to most of the b.o.e.. jane with my mother a publisher with an unbleaving mate.. they both progressed well to the point of baptism.. johns house was nothing short of a pigsty overgrown grass inside filthy ect.. janes was not alot better.. when they both wanted to bet baptised jane was held back becouse of the state she kept her house but john was aloud to get baptised.. when the elders told jane this she she stopped her study and went to another religion and lived happly ever after.. the diffrence bettween john and jane appart from he studyed with and elder related to most of the b.o.e........ jane was blind!!.
more to this story.. john quickly moved along with the j.w's doing mic's sound ect and eventually married a sister.. john had 2 children from a previous relationship his son lived with him but he said he never saw his daughter becouse his ex had poisoned her against him.. the son became a j.w and was a real nice guy eventuly getting married to a nice sister and settling down ,both are good j.w's.
to this day.. john however turned out to be a wife beating s.o.a.b they had a child and she was pregnant with number 2 when the police were called on him for beating her up and he was arrested.. the police locked him up for the nite and took him to court the next day were he was found guilty of beating her up.. this was all kept very quite and the elders never took any action against john.. as any court records are open to the public you would think he would at least be "publicly reproved"....nothing!!..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
You know how people play that "would you rather" game? Like, "Would you rather lose both arms or both legs in accident? Would you rather be deaf or blind?" kind of thing?
In this case, I definitely know what I would rather when it comes to either being blind or being trapped in the Organization.